Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I work from awkwardness.  By that I mean I don't like to arrange things.  If I stand in front of something, instead of arranging it, I arrange myself. 

- Diane Arbus

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Needless to say I brushed my teeth in the kitchen last night.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Going My Way?

Sara, working it for our recent photo shoot.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bajee Approved

New Shoes, and Bajee likes them - They're good for my feet and great for her bed!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Julie's Freakin' 30!

Julie turned 30....  these guys were there.....
and The Most Powerful Hand rocked the backyard...
and a guy in my hotdog suit ate cotton candy....
And everyone lived happily ever after!

The End.  
Also I think The Midge farted.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Want Pie, I Want Beef Jerky!

Please enjoy this little internet gem, first shown to me by the Great Brittany of Central Coast Magazine fame!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Waste Not Want Not



Well let me explain.

If you find that a bottle of Red Stripe is just too
much for you to consume after work, then just
wrap it up!*  

*This Kitchen Kwickie brought to you by the Rocket Scientist Chris Myers

Friday, February 13, 2009

Holy Mechanical Pencil Batman!

Need some stimulus... put a little Jesus in your package.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Curiously Strong Blog

Photography and Tacos
Keeping your mind minty fresh since two Saturdays ago!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The 30 Pack

Because sometimes you don't need to see clearly.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

RIP Fido

Don't Fuck with our Pugs!

-The Duke and Duchess of Windsor
photo by Richard Avedon 

Friday, February 6, 2009

The New New Testament!

Everything you ever wanted to know about editorial photography.

"Most people don't like having their picture taken.  It's a stressful, self-confrontational moment.  Some people are better at it than others.  I work best with people who can project themselves, but many people can't do that.  Or they don't want to.  They don't feel good about themselves.  Or they feel too good about themselves.  I'm not very accomplished at talking to people, and I certainly can't talk to people and take pictures at the same time. For one thing, I look through a viewfinder when I work.  Richard Avedon seduced his subjects with conversation. He had a Rolleiflex that he would look down at and then up from.  It was never in front of his face.  Most of the great portrait photographers didn't have a camera in front of their faces.  It was next to them while they talked.
The classic anecdote about Avedon getting what he wanted from a sitter is the one about him going to photograph the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.  They were great animal lovers.  They doted on their pugs.  Avedon set up the portrait, talking all the while, and just before he took the picture he told them a story, completely untrue, about how on the way to the sitting his taxi had run over a little dog.  That broke their composure.  He got the famous portrait of them looking anguished. 
Maybe if I live another fifty years I could do that. You have to admire it, 
-Annie Leibovitz At Work

Amen, Annie!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

TACO POWER: Juanitas

Juanitas in Grover Beach is a simple red taco stand just an earshot away from the ocean.  It serves up all the usual mexican food suspects, but really excels at tortillas. The tortillas are homemade and you can tell with the first bite.  Also you'll know they're homemade because the woman who makes them is there to serve you at the window and reminds you every time you walk up, "our tortillas are homemade".

The superb deliciousness of the tacos mostly comes from the tortilla; I have had better meat.  I would say the carne asada was average but give the chicken a try, and enjoy the healthy helping of cilantro. The tacos are 2 bucks, and definitely worth a try & to top it all off you get a complimentary sucker with each purchase.  Now, who doesn't love a sucker?!!

This taco gets 3 and a 3 quarter star... out of 5.
This tortilla gets 5.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lost in Danish Translation

When this man farts he always blames his wife, and this woman after 30 years of marriage recently told her husband that she in fact does not like lemon with her salmon.

These are my parents.