Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lost in Danish Translation

When this man farts he always blames his wife, and this woman after 30 years of marriage recently told her husband that she in fact does not like lemon with her salmon.

These are my parents.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am not sure if blaming your wife is such a bad thing. It at least shows two very important aspects of their relationship: 1) The wife is definitely on the mind of the husband or else he may repeatedly blame the cat or dog or goldfish even...what is it they say about the reasons for teasing?? 2)Most importantly, this blame game shows that the husband is definitely in close proximaty to the wife, how else could he blame her (probably often in the same room? same couch?), and to this I say...when two people enjoy each other's company, guess what, they are probably still very much in love.

    Some kiss, some fart, some do both or more...isn't love crazy??
